PIFOC fast focus piezo motors, lens positioners, and piezo Z-stages are compatible with the following image acquisition software packages:
NI Vision® & LabVIEW®(National Instruments)
Metamorph (Molecular Devices)
RS-232 drivers for PI E-665 and E-625 piezo controllers (which integrate the PI E-816 interface module) and the former E-662 piezo controller.
Also has analog drivers to support all PI piezo controllers and piezo stages.
µManager (Open source image acquisition software)
RS-232 driver supported directly by PI. Driver talks to the PI E-816 interface module (used in the E-665 and E-625 piezo controllers).
Slidebook (3i)
Supports RS-232. Also has analog drivers to support all PI piezo controllers and piezo stages.
Simple PCI (Hammamatsu)
RS-232 drivers for PI E-665 and E-625 piezo controllers (which integrate the PI E-816 interface module) and the former E-662 piezo controller.
NIS Elements (Nikon)
Has an RS-232 driver for the former PI E-662 piezo controller and the current PI E-816 interface module used in the PI E-625 and E-665 piezo controllers. Also has analog drivers to support all PI piezo controllers and piezo stages.
ImagePro / ImagePro Plus / In-Vivo (Media Cybernetics)
Has analog drivers to support all PI piezo controllers.